Our Family

Meet the family


Proud Lancastrian from Ashton, has a personal conflict in his supporting York City FC - from the wrong side of the pennines! There is no conflict in his main passtime - Star Wars


Matriarch of the family, Jane spends much of her time looking after her 4 boys! Otherwise, she enjoys the theatre, travel socialising with friends and is a Chelsea supporter
The I.T. specialist of the family, James has been known to play the occasional PlayStation game. During the rare times when he is 'offline', he enjoys all forms of motor sport. Never far from the cry, 'James, get your hair cut'! but people are just jealous of it

The youngest of the 3 boys, Ben finds joy in almost anything he does. His disabilities can limit his involvement, but he enjoys time with his family, walking, watching CBeebies, especially Swashbuckle, and doing stuff on his iPad        


Should the family have any (further) mental health issues, then Robin will be the 'go-to' professional, with his First in Psychology and Masters distinction in social work. He always makes time for his family and also spends social time with his friends
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